Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bias reporting of foreign media on Rakhine-Rohingyas issue disgraces Myanmar images

Bias reporting of foreign media on Rakhine-Rohingyas issue disgraces Myanmar images
Reported by EMG   
People in Yangon object on 11 June reports of foreign media on Rakhine unrest

Foreign media are now presenting bias reports on the clashes between Rakhine people and Bengali Rohingyas to destroy the image of Myanmar and its people.

For example, the reporting of the BBC news agency mentioned on 8 June that police forces are firing on at the rioters in Maungdaw Township, quoting the so-called witnesses. The report of this news agency was based on religion.

Moreover, the AFP news agency also stated on 7 June that police forces are shooting the mobs. Their news mentioned the conflict between Muslims and Rakhine people. The truth is that no police fired on the rioters. Only Rohingyas killed Rakhine people and burned down their houses.

The Nation Media of Thailand stated the news “Call for UN to intervene in Rohingya ‘genocide’.  They first mentioned the news with the photo of Eleven Media Group without caption. In fact, the photo is the burning Rakhine houses ignited by Rohingyas.  As the news was stated with no captioned photo, international readers misunderstood the country and the people.

However, the Nation changed the photo without hesitation at the request of the Eleven Media Group.

As some foreign media biased the reports on Rakhine unrest, Myanmar citizens protested against them in Yangon on 11 June.

People in Yangon also took to street in front of Yangon City Hall to object the reports of some foreign media by holding placards written ‘We oppose to BBC, VOA, RFA and DVB’ and ‘We oppose to unfair local and foreign media’.

They also raised the placards such as ‘Rohigya are Terrorist. Get out of our country’ and ‘We have our own swords, but we observe the law. We are Myanmar nationalities’, ‘Protect our country, our culture and our brethrens’ and ‘We Love Peace’.

Chairman and CEO Dr. Than Htut Aung of the Eleven Media Group said, “The Nation website posted that ‘some 800-1,000 people - including women, children and elderly people - have disappeared recently’. The sources of these words are Rohingya organizations and some Thai NGOs. The news also stated ‘Paramilitary and "racist" Rakhine are burning houses and shooting people, with some being burned alive.’ These facts are totally wrong. There is no paramilitary in Rakhine.How could 20,000 Rakhine people in Maungdaw Township kill the 400,000 Rohingyas(20 times more than Rakhine people)?  The Eleven Media Group only uploaded  the news and photos which show the blazing Rakhine wards burnt by Rohingyas.  Moreover, the groups also asked for immediate action to stop this serious genocide and ethnic cleansing by sending a UN peace keeping force to Arakan to protect innocent people.”

Dr. Than Htut Aung continued, “To erase such propagandas of some foreign media, local journalist are reporting news from the scene without considering about their lives. However, foreign media are exploiting the efforts of local media. The government should hold a press conference by inviting foreign missions and correspondents. This is the right time for the world figures to unveil the truth. The Eleven Media Group has sent our reliable and energetic four reporters to Rakhine State. They are now taking news photos to clear accuses of foreign media without convincing evidences that our country and Rakhine people are the killers and the terrorists.  They have to take risk in conflict areas where there is no rule of law, but jut swords and weapons. Everybody can imagine their awkward situation. Therefore, we expressed our objection to the Nation Media Group regarding with the aforementioned photo on their website. While the EMG is safeguarding our country, we want the people to cooperate with us. We will also present the accurate news without bias. People should also participate in our efforts sensibly.”

With regard to bias report of foreign media on Rakhine unrest, editor in charge Aung Paw Tun of the Messenger News Journal said, “The reports of some foreign media four to five days ago are not fair. Their presentations are deviating from the actual events. It is not a good intention. The Reuters news agency said Rakhine people came back after setting fire, and Rohingyas were burned alive and they were extinguishing fire. These news are destroying the image of Rakhine people.”

“Based on the bad images of previous military government, Rohingyas are conducting propaganda campaign through foreign media. They see the military government oppressed them. By taking advantage on little good image of the previous government, international media also view the government is oppressing the minorities. As the new government cannot avoid the shadow of previous government, some foreign groups are conducting such campaigns from the side of Rohingyas. The existing issue is not a religious conflict. But such incident usually occurs in the countries where migrant people are residing. As their own land experienced population boom and the cultivated lands become insufficient, these effects spread to the neighboring countries. The root cause of this problem is due to the weakness in policies and law of our country. Negligence and corruption of immigration department for 20 years caused the infiltration of Bengalis. Our media must reveal the actual situation patriotically and professionally,” said chief editor  Ko Kyaw Min Swe of the Voice News Journal.

Chief reporter Ma May Nge of Pyi Myanmar Journal said “ It is necessary to release the right information from media. Some foreign media released the news every second of the 2007 incident.  For the incident in Rakhine state, no foreign media is releasing any actual news. I have read a news on BBC website. They wrongly posted that Presidential officer said Rakhine people were shooting Rohingya. This news was very terrible and totally wrong. It is horrifying to accuse a staff from president office. The wording can get people confused. There is no bias in media. It should be in the middle. The incident is concerning with the whole country. So we must stand on the right position. The problem is not between the Islamists and the Buddhists. Foreign media should not intend to destroy the unity of our country. This is not a religious riot. This is a plot to invade our land, and a blow to nationality. We never accept the attacks through religion.”

U Zaw Thet Htwe, who is trying to emerge Myanmar Journalists Union, said, “Foreign media do not understand very well about Myanmar history. Such reporting will destroy the image of our country and people. Myanmar journalists in foreign based news agencies should respect their professional and love their own land. Without emphasizing only on human rights and human value, they should also consider about national interest of the country.”

The following is the report on the Nation media website.
Call for UN to intervene in Rohingya 'genocide'

Half a dozen organisations concerned about the humanitarian crisis in Arakan State in Burma issued an open letter to Ban Ki-moon, secretary general of the United Nations, yesterday urging the UN to "intervene and protect a million Rohingya people of Arakan from a planned genocide".

The letter, signed by Maung Kyaw Nu, president of the Burmese Rohingya Association in Thailand (BRAT) said some 800-1,000 people - including women, children and elderly people - have disappeared recently while the death tolls are still being calculated. Rohingya organisations and Thai NGOs, such as the People's Empowerment Foundation, claim that paramilitary and "racist" Rakhine are burning houses and shooting people, with some being burned alive.

"Rohingya youth are running to hide in the forest. Some are crossing to Bangladesh. All dead and wounded bodies are taken away by the government forces," the letter said. It added that the Burmese regime plans to "kill and clear all Muslims from Arakan State."

"We urge immediate action to stop this serious genocide and ethnic cleansing by sending a UN peace keeping force to Arakan to protect innocent people. We urge the UN to send a mission to control the serious situation in Arakan State and save the remaining Rohingyas as quickly as possible," said the groups. They added that international and Asean intervention to save people's lives was urgently needed and urged the international media to monitor closely the serious situation in Arakan.

International humanitarian groups, the statement said, should step up their presence in Arakan State to support humanitarian work while the Burmese regime should explain what is going on.

"We also demand the UN constitutes an independent and impartial inquiry commission to investigate these crimes against humanity and bring the culprits to justice," it concluded.

Rohingya illegal Bangladeshi immigrants

U Tin Oo, the Vice-President of National League for Democracy (NLD) with RFA on 2 October calling the Muslim Rohingya illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, according to press release dated on 5 October, 2011.

Rohingyas, Harn Yawnghwe, and Fraudulent Claims?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Rohingyas, Harn Yawnghwe, and Fraudulent Claims?

(Direct translation of Aung Than Oo’s article “Human Rights and Self Interest”.)

EBO-OIC Signing in Saudi Arabia for Rohingya Claims?
The topics I’m going to write about in this article basing on my past experiences and what I could intellectually think of are the dishonest land claims of foreign-born Bengalis illegally entering Burma from the neighboring Bangladesh.

In this article I tried my best to avoid the two common prejudices of race and religion even though my aim is to prolong our race Burmese and our religion Buddhism, and at the same time I am extremely careful not to attack or insult other races and other religions.

Principally I am going to write about the so-called Rohingyas who under the cover of human-rights issues in Burma are recently and presently claiming that they are an authentic ethnic race of Burma while hiding their original Bengali roots, especially now that they are making so much noise and attracting undeserving international attentions and Arab money generously as Muslims.

We could even accept them in Burma as the settlers if they honestly admit that their ancestors were and they themselves are the cheeky illegal migrants from Bangladesh into our naturally-endowed Burma. But their lies as a true ethnic group trying to demand aboriginal rights and to impose their dominating religion Islam onto us  Burmese Buddhists brazenly and dishonestly are totally unacceptable.


Harn Yawnghwe with Burmese-Muslims in Saudi Arabia.
Back in Burma I never used to have hatred or anger based on race and religion and I had had many Bengali Muslim friends. As a tease I would say to them my childhood friends in Bengali, “Gan-mari-kar (Son-of-a-bitch) Lout-lar (Dick Head),” and they would reply, “Ma-lout-phu (Not enough in Burmese),” as a joke too.

And they would often greet me in Bengali, “Sar-lar (Pussy),” and I would reply, “Ma-sar-bu (Not hungry in Burmese),” as a joke back.

In reality those words are extremely-rude  Bengali swear words but for us those were just friendly greetings between us Burmese and them Bengalis. We could say those words to each other, for we didn’t really hate each other as different races and religions and we knew very well that we respect each other and treat accordingly.

But nowadays there have constantly been many religious-terrorism cases breaking out all over the world because of the Islamic-fundamentalist-driven religious extremism. For example Islamic Afghanistan was once a very Buddhist country since ancient times more than two thousand years ago.

Blowing Up of Two Bamiyan Buddhas.
Two massive Buddhas standing more than fifty meters tall and well known as the Buddhas of Bamiyan are the irrefutable evidence of Buddhism once thriving in Afghanistan.

(Translator’s Notes: The Buddhas of Bamiyan were two sixth century monumental statues of standing Buddhas carved into the side of a cliff in the Bamiyan Valley in the Hazarajat region of Central Afghanistan, situated about 150 miles northwest of Kabul. They were dynamited and destroyed in March 2001 by the Taliban on orders from Mullah Mohammed Omar declaring that they were Buddhist Idols.)

But since Mullah Omar-led Taliban became the rulers after the Soviets’ departure the extreme Islamic fundamentalism has arrived in Afghanistan. And the Islamic fundamentalists hate other religions especially the Buddhism.

And despite their respectable religious iconic status and their high historical values the more-than-100ft-tall Buddhas of Bamiyan were soon smashed into thousand pieces by the Islamic Taliban with tanks and cannons and dynamites so that the truly-visible historical evidence of their Afghanistan once being a proud Buddhist country is permanently deleted.

The fact that, despite all the desperate pleads from the Buddhists all over the world and Christian organizations and world heritage organizations and even UNESCO, the extremist Taliban ignored the world and brutally destroyed the famous Buddhas of Bamiyan.


Famous Borobudur in Indonesia.
That act alone has proved the undeniable fact that a Buddhist country like Afghanistan could easily be turned into a Muslim country by brute force. Indonesia is another country that met the same fate as Afghanistan. World famous Borobudur is the proof of once thriving Buddhist society in now Islamic Indonesia.

Another country turning Muslim in modern time is Lebanon. Originally Christian but in Lebanon the Muslims gradually outnumbered the Christians as the Palestinians slowly moved in after all the Arab-Israel wars. Finally a long civil war broke out between Christians and Muslims and Christian lands were forcefully taken over by the Muslims.

I strongly believe that it is the patriotic duty of every citizen of a country or society to defend their race and religion, and to fight back if the foreigners illegally entering their country have either conspired or even intended to swallow up the original inhabitants by imposing their race and religion through the cross-marriages with local women and then forced-conversions.

NLD Tin Oo with ASSK (1988).
Retired General Tin Oo (Now NLD Vice-President) who once took stern actions against illegal Bengali Mujahedins from neighboring Bangladesh in 1950s as the Commander of Burmese Army Western Command was recently condemned by so-called Rohingya Dr. Waka Hudin, a naturalized Bengali-American, on RFA (Radio Free Asia).

I have decided to write this article when I heard the rude demands of Waka Hudin on the RFA for our U Tin Oo to apologize him as U Tin Oo’s mentioning of so-called Rohingyas as the Bengali descendants was an insult.

Dr. Waka Hudin also persistently maintains his fraudulent and make-believe theory that the so-called Rohingyas are the descendants of seagoing Arab traders shipwrecked and stranded on the Arakan Coast and ended up settling there with the local women whoever they were.

But Arabs are basically a Caucasian race and they are generally tall and white. But the so-called Rohingyas are short and dark like the Bengalis from neighboring Bangladesh. Not only that they do speak fluent Bengali and do not speak Arabic at all and do not speak Burmese well like any other ethnic nationalities of our Burma. Everything about their behavior and culture and appearance is exactly same as the Bengalis from Bangladesh.

Fenced Burma-Bangladesh Border Line.
Oh one more thing! I had to laugh out loud when Waka Hudin added in his interview on RFA that his Rohingyas also wear lon-gyi (sarongs) like the Burmese. Our honorable Dr. Waka Hudin had forgotten the fact that the Bengalis also wear lon-gyi.

My proposal to end this controversy of whether the so-called Rohingyas are the Arabs as they themselves have fancied in recent years or the Bengalis as Burmese have been labeling them for hundreds of years is the scientifically-proven and time-honored DNA test.

Just do DNA tests on the blood samples of those fanciful Rohingyas and my challenge to them is if the DNA test said they are non-Bengalis then we will let them stay in our Burma and if they are Bengalis will they go back where they came from, the miserably crowded Bangladesh?

(Translator’s Notes: Please do look carefully at the following comparative population densities i.e. Population per square mile in 2010.

Whole Bangladesh (Muslims)                       1,217
Maungdaw Township (Muslims)                     870
Taungbyo  Township  (Muslim/Buddhists)      700
Whole Arakan State (Buddhists)                      233
Whole Burma (Buddhists)                                191

Like water people must naturally flow down from the higher level of population density to the lower level of population density.  Not just natural migrant flow, the Muslim reproduction also is much much higher than the Buddhists for the obvious religious reason. Our Burma is the last bastion of Buddhism against unrelenting tide of Islam.)


Ilegal Immigrants on the US Border.
Just look at the United States of America. Thousands of Mexicans from Mexico are illegally entering the neighboring states of Texas and California and Americans are using their Border Guard Forces to capture them and send them back.

Even with such tough measures the Spanish-speaking Mexicans and other Latinos are now rapidly filling the states of Texas and California. Nowadays California is 50% Mexicans and 50% Americans. But these Mexicans still call themselves American-Mexicans. They have never claimed they were the Natives of North America. Even the American-Whites do not call themselves Natives. Because everyone knows that the true Native Americans are only the Red-Indians.

Dr. Waka Hudin has claimed the so-called Rohingyas have been living there in the Arakan State of Burma for thousands of years. But in reality the term Rohingya was not even mentioned once in the well-established and extensively-studied history of Arankan State and her Yakhine people.

Now this Waka Hudin guy, who can speak only broken-Burmese and who is constantly telling the porkies about his great fanciful Rohingya race, is demanding that our NLD leader U Tin Oo apologize him for saying the truth about the so-called Rohingyas being the illegal Bengalis. For me it is the rudest insult possible to throw at us Burmese by a so-called Rohingya.

(Translators’ Notes: Maybe after a few more years there in America Dr. Waka Hudin will eventually be claiming his great-great-great-------grand parents were a shipwrecked Arab trader and Pocahontas, just kidding. One thing about these Musulamen is they will take any racial cover to suit their environment but never abandon their religion and thus they always need an Arab male, preferably a Saudi for financial convenience, at the root of their blood line.)

At the same time I would like to report to the readers the related case of unscrupulous dealings between so-called Rohingyas and Harn Yawnghwe’s EBO (Euro Burma Office). The whole thing had been bottling inside of me for so long and now this wild insult spitted at our great NLD leader by broken-Burmese-speaking Waka Hudin had prompted me to blow the whistle on both Harn Yawnghwe and Waka Hudin’s so-called Rohingyas.


The existence of EBO in Brussels was mainly due to the financial and humanitarian aids given generously by the NGOs and the governments of European democracies since our LDC (Least Developed Country) listed Burma the rare military-ruled Socialist country has fallen so far from being a star of SE Asia to one of the poorest countries of the world.

Harn Yawnghwe became active very early in Burmese-Exile politics by forming ADDB (Associates to Develop Democratic Burma) in Quebec City and publishing Burma Alert journal.

(Translator’s Notes: 100 US$ a pop for annual Burma-Alert subscription direct to his bank account had once made him a rich exile in Canada and given him a taste of blood money or political funds from the sympathetic donors. Being the youngest son of Burma’s former President late Sao Shwe Thaik the last saw-bwa of Nyang Shwe also helps his cause.)

Because of his western education and his English proficiency and his famous Shan background he was picked by so-called Burmese Exile Government (NCGUB – National Coalition Government of Union of Burma) as their sole Representative in Europe.

His successful approaches to the EU and the European governments to economic-blockade Burma by submitting the Burmese military government’s serious violation of human rights in Burma had made him an exile politician trusted and relied on by us the Burmese democracy activists here in Europe.

We’ve also known the fact that he has received substantial amount of funds donated by the European Union (EU) and also other European governments for restoration of democracy in Burma.

Even though Harn Yawnghwe had received millions of Euro for NCGUB and also to implement many of his proposals with various titles, we’ve never seen or heard how much he got, or from which organization, or how and where he’d spent that millions of Euro. Not a word about their accounts from Harn Yawnghwe or NCGUB.

Later when the EU countries especially my Germany have changed their Burma policy from isolation to engagement and started diverting their funds to the NGOs and other democratic organizations inside Burma our Harn Yawnghwe has again followed the money trails and  started cooperating with so-called the Third Force inside Burma.

VAHU's Dr. Zaw Oo
By cooperating with pro-SPDC (State Peace and Development Council, now defunct) Ne Win Maung (the founder and owner of Myanmar Egress, Myanmar Partners, the Voice Journal, and Living Color Magazine) and so-called exile-economist Dr. Zaw Oo of VAHU Institute at Chaing Mai University, our chameleon Harn Yawnghwe has changed his political-color overnight from Sanctions Policy to no-Sanctions Policy, totally against the strong wishes of us democracy activists and the people of Burma.

Then I had another shocking experience of Harn Yawnghwe’s alarming behavior at the Burma Day Discussion chaired by East-Timorese President Ramos Hose at Belgian Brussels on 5 May 2010. 

During that discussion our group had tabled two proposals against Military Government in Burma. One was for the international community to neither recognize nor accept the 2010 Burma’s election based on 2008 sham Constitution.  Other one was for the European countries to support forming the International Inquiry Commission to investigate war crimes and war criminals in Burma.

But we all were unbelievably shocked when Harn Yawnghwe stood up and demanded if Burmese war criminals were to be listed for prosecution in the International Court our NLD Vice-Chair General Tin Oo must also be listed as a war criminal and charged.


Now what Waka Hudin said on the RFA (Radio Free Asia) demanding U Tin Oo to apologize for saying a lie that his so-called Rohingyas are just common vanilla Bengalis from Bangladesh was exactly same as Harn Yawnghwe’s calling our U Tin Oo a war criminal.

Obviously what Harn Yawnghwe has been doing recently is actively recruiting non-Burman groups, both ethnic and non-ethnics, by throwing donated Euros from Europe at them so that they would all be bitterly against the majority Burmans. We are now even so concerned about Harn Yawnghwe’s involvement in our UNFC (United Nationalities Federal Council).

(Translator’s Notes: UNFC was formed in mid-February 2011 by KIO (Kachin Independence Organization), NMSP (New Mon State Party), SSA-North (Shan State Army-North), KNU (Karen national Union), KNPP (Kareni National Progressive Party), CNF (Chin National Front), and few other ethnic organizations.)

OIC Emblem.
Just recently he has been cooperating with Saudi Arabia’s Jeddah based OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) the second largest International organization in the world after the United Nations and receiving funds and other assistance from the OIC to further the Rohigya cause by exploiting current human rights violation in Burma against illegal Bengali Muslims.

As I have said before I do not have any hatred towards Muslims. But I bitterly hate the extremist fundamentalist Muslims like Afghan Taliban. Accordingly the Burmese Muslims should not be lying to the world by re-labeling themselves as Rohingyas. For us Burmese they could only be acceptable if they honestly admit they are just Bengali-Burmese-Muslims born in our Burma.


Harn Yawnghwe & Daughter at Rangoon Airport.
I honestly believe this Rohingya fiasco is dangerously pushing to create not just the racio-religious clashes between Burmese Buddhists and Burmese Muslims but also the serious threats on the racial, religious, and territorial integrity of our Burma. The whole Rohingya issue is also mucking up our democratic struggle as the complex religion and race issues do not mix well with politics.

Right now Harn Yawnghwe and his daughter are in Rangoon taking the first concrete steps to open an internal hunting-ground for them together with Ne Win Maung’s Egress and Zaw Oo’s so-called VAHU think-tank.

They are well used to receiving foreign funds from international donors and now they can foresee the money coming as social-aid for Burma. Obviously they can also smell the generous amount of easy money coming from Europe as the European countries started diverting their aids from the exile groups to the social organizations inside Burma.

By this article I have gathered and highlighted the dishonest and self-serving activities of EBO’s Harn Yawnghwe and the so-called Rohingyas so that Daw Aung San Su Kyi and her NLD as a political party could avoid them at all cost.


(The author Aung Than Oo now residing in Germany is one of the founders of FBE (Forum for Burmese in Europe) and also a prominent student leader of the Shwedagon Strike in June 1975. Then a GTI (Government Technical Institute) Civil Engineering student he was captured and jailed for a long time by the Ne Win’s Military Government till 1980. He left Burma in 1987 for political asylum in Germany.)

One of the greatest problems comes from the fear on both sides of the border, that is to say Bangladesh as well as Burma, that there will be illegal immigrants crossing all the time

Suu Kyi Calls for Clarity on Myanmar Citizenship After Fighting

By Daniel Ten Kate and Jennifer M. Freedman on June 14, 2012

Myanmar needs to clarify citizenship laws and carefully police its borders in the wake of clashes between Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims that have killed dozens, opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi said.

Myanmar President Thein Sein declared a state of emergency on June 10 in western Rakhine state bordering Bangladesh in a bid to end religious and ethnic clashes that erupted a week earlier. Rohingyas have been denied citizenship and face restrictions moving around the country.

“We have to be very clear about what the laws of citizenship are and who are entitled to them,” Suu Kyi told reporters in Geneva today when asked if Rohingyas should be granted Myanmar citizenship. “All those who are entitled to citizenship should be treated as full citizens deserving all the rights that must be given to them.”

The clashes in western Myanmar highlight the difficulty in unifying the country of 64 million people even after a military junta that kept Suu Kyi under house arrest for 15 years shifted to democracy. The Rohingyas are not among Myanmar’s 135 official ethnic groups and those fleeing this month’s violence have also been denied entry into neighboring Bangladesh.

‘Delicacy and Sensitivity’

The conflict in Rakhine “will have to be handled with delicacy and sensitivity,” Suu Kyi said on her first trip to Europe since 1988. “We need the cooperation of all people concerned to regain the peace that we want for our country.”

The unrest began after an alleged rape prompted a mob of about 300 Rakhine Buddhists to murder 10 Muslims on June 3, according to New York-based Human Rights Watch. Myanmar imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew in four towns in Rakhine and prohibited more than five people from gathering in public areas at a time, according to the state-run New Light of Myanmar newspaper.

Rohingyas, Sunni Muslims who are descended from Arab traders, are prevented from obtaining citizenship and traveling freely throughout Myanmar, according to Human Rights Watch. About 800,000 Rohingyas live in Myanmar, also known as Burma, and 200,000 are in Bangladesh, the group estimates.

The U.S. State Department has linked the Muslim minority to designated terrorist organization Harakat ul-Jihad-i- Islami/Bangladesh, which it said in a 2010 report “had trained and fielded operatives in Burma to fight on behalf of the Rohingya.” Bangladesh banned the group in 2005, the report said.


Last year Eric Schwartz, a deputy to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, called Rohingyas he visited in Bangladesh refugee camps “victims guilty of nothing other than a desire to flee repression and create a better life for themselves.” Clinton on June 11 said Rohingyas should be included in talks to halt the violence.

Bangladesh saw influxes of about 250,000 Rohingya refugees from Myanmar in 1978 and in the early 1990s, followed by repatriation efforts “that were not wholly voluntary,” the UNHCR’s policy development and evaluation service said in a December report.

“One of the greatest problems comes from the fear on both sides of the border, that is to say Bangladesh as well as Burma, that there will be illegal immigrants crossing all the time,” Suu Kyi said, referring to her country by its former name. “This is due to the porous border. We need more responsible, uncorrupt border vigilance.”

To contact the reporters on this story: Daniel Ten Kate in Bangkok at; Jennifer M. Freedman in Geneva at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Peter Hirschberg at

Rohingya Bengali is not one of the ethnic groups of Myanmar at all - Ko Ko Gyi (A Prominent 88 Students Leader)

Ko Ko Gyi "Rohingya Bengali is not one of the ethnic groups of Myanmar at all"

Ko Ko Gyi: Unless inevitable, we tried to avoid some issues patiently. Now it is time that we announce our view on Rohingya clearly. Rohingya is not one of the ethnic groups of Myanmar at all. We see that the riot happening currently in Buthedaung and Maungdaw of Arakan State is because of the illegal immigrants from Bangladesh called “Rohingya” and mischievous provocation of some international communities. Therefore, such interfering efforts by some powerful nations on this issue (Rohingya issue), without fully understanding the ethnic groups and other situations of Burma, will be viewed as offending the sovereignty of our nation. Genetically, culturally and linguistically Rohingya is not absolutely related to any ethnicity in Myanmar. In terms of citizenship, I would state separately. As we share the borders with other countries, we have some Chinese and Indian descents. They have been living in our country for generations and citizenship has been granted to them. We do not discriminate based on any race for granting the citizenship even if he is a Bengali. They should be protected in the same way as citizens of Myanmar.But, if we were forcefully pressured to accept Rohigya as one of the ethnic groups (of Burma), we won’t tolerate that.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bangladesh migrated to Myanmar (Burma) illegally by just crossing the porous border by all methods because of population explosion in Former East Pakistan, now Bangladesh.

They have never been an original ethnic group of Myanmar (Burma) according to our history as well as international history. They are from Bangladesh and should be named as Bangladeshi Bengali but definitely not the Rohingya. They have created the term "Rohingya' which has a meaning "the natives Arakan" in Bengali language Chittagaung dialect (Rohan = Arakan and "Gya" or "Ja" means "Native").

That's why the real Arakanese (Rakhaings) and Burmese cannot accept that term. As we mentioned earlier, there has never been such an ethnic group in Burmese and also in Indo-Pakistani history.

The other fact is that those Bengali people (So called Rohingya) have the connection with the Terrorists such as Taliban, Religious Extremists and Islamist Militants which was revealed by Wikileaks. Besides, those so called Rohingyas are also involving in human trafficking.

(See details in Rangoon1310.html ).

Some people may argue that these Chittagonian Bengalis can have a similar destiny to the Muslims in UK. After living for generations these Pakistani, Arabs and Indians had become British Citizens. Yes, however, these immigrants in Britain are not demanding their National Territory. Nor they are demanding a separate Ethnic Identity, like Scottish, Irish and Wales. They are not calling for a national area for themselves even in the North Sea. They call themselves British. Similar to that case, those Bengali can have the identity of Chittagonian Burmese or Bengali-Burmese or Burmese Citizens of Bengali origin or more specifically, Burmese Citizens of Chittagonian-Bengali origin.

For the citizenship issue, Burma would give careful consideration on those people if one can produce all essentials documents to prove that they are entitled to have the Burmese citizenship in accord with Burma immigration laws. We would like to highlight here that so-called Rohingya issue is not the human rights issue of Burma but all about illegal immigration issue. Burmese people won't be happy if thousands of illegal Bengali immigrants stealing Burmese identity by claiming themselves Burmese by creating fake ethnic group with their lies history.

We are not against Burmese Muslim people and their religion in Burma. We just can't accept those Bengali people from Bangladesh trying to occupy the Arakan State ( Rakhaing State ) as well as creating the name "Rohingya" (Please see above explanation of meaning) and demanding worldwide to accept them as one of the genuine ethnic group from Burma who faced severe suppressions by the Burmese military regime. Not only they, but also almost all people in Burma, including Buddhist monks have been facing severe suppressions.

Also we would like to point out here that those Bengali people claiming Asylum in third countries are most likely from the Bangladeshi side of the border not from the Arakan State of Burma since some 'Rohingya gangs' in Bangladesh are involving in human trafficking. This is the most dangerous threat to the World security.

We would like to call for international community to stop labelling Rohingya part of Burma's ethnics group. We would like to highlight here that Rohingya issue is not about human rights issue of Burma but about illegal immigration issue. We would like to call for world leaders, international media and all truth loving people to give careful consideration on our raising issues.

Burmese Exiled Media Infected with Rohingya Terrorist Plague

Almost all of exiled burmese media outlets have been bought out by Rohingya Bengali terrorists group. They all are presenting all of their propaganda which are intended to break away western part of Burma into an Islamic state.

A blind man with a sharpened bamboo spear guarded his home after riots broke out in western Myanmar

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fire set by the Muslims in Sittwe

Myanmar: Calm Restored After Rioting That Killed 7

Myanmar: Calm Restored After Rioting That Killed 7

Security forces in western Myanmar have restored order after rioters burned hundreds of homes in sectarian violence that killed at least seven people, state-controlled media reported Saturday.

The rioting reflected long-standing tensions in Rakhine state between Buddhist residents and Muslims, many of whom are considered to be illegal settlers from neighboring Bangladesh. Although the root of the problem is localized — centering on resentment of the alleged cross-border outsiders — there is fear that the trouble could spread elsewhere because the split also runs along religious lines.

The state-run newspaper Myanma Ahlin said security forces had to open fire to restrain the rioters, while state television announced that army troops had been deployed to help police in Maungdaw and Buthidaung townships, where the mobs rampaged. A dusk-to-dawn curfew was applied and public gatherings of more than five people banned.

According to the television report, seven people were killed and 17 wounded in Friday's violence. It said 494 houses, 19 shops and a guest house were burned down.

Myanma Ahlin daily reported that about 1,000 "terrorists" were responsible for the rampage, which also saw some storm Maungdaw General Hospital. State media did not otherwise identify the rioters, but the area is 90 percent Muslim, and local residents contacted by phone said the mob's members were Muslims. The dead were evidently all Buddhists, judging by the names of those victims who were mentioned in Myanma Ahlin, which added that those hurt had knife wounds.

The TV report said, without further elaboration, that Myanmar naval forces were taking security measures along the nearby coast on the Bay of Bengal.

The Information Ministry's website said camps have been opened at monasteries to shelter those who lost their homes, and the defense and health ministries had flown in doctors to tend to the injured.
The amount of information about the incident released by state media in a timely fashion is nearly unprecedented. Under the previous military regime, such incidents usually went unreported or were referred to only in brief, cryptic fashion.

The elected though military-backed government of President Thein Sein has instituted reforms to try to reverse decades of repression, including allowing a much freer flow of information.

The trigger for the latest round of violence came with the rape and murder of a young Buddhist girl last month, allegedly by three Muslim youths. They have been put on trial, Myanma Ahlin reported Saturday. Some anti-Muslim pamphlets were circulated about the incident, evidently enflaming local Buddhists. On June 3, 10 Muslims were killed by an angry mob who attacked a bus carrying them from a religious gathering in Rakhine's Taunggup town.

In Yangon on Saturday, a group of some 150 people from Rakhine state and some Buddhist monks went to the Shwedagon Pagoda — Myanmar's most revered Buddhist shrine — to say prayers for the murdered girl and those killed in the clashes.

The group walked a circuit around the pagoda, made some speeches, and left. Some carried placards that read "Defend the Rakhine State" and "Remove Bengali terrorists from Rakhine State right now."
On Tuesday, dozens of Muslims protested peacefully in front of a mosque in downtown Yangon calling for justice for the 10 dead and complaining about terminology used by state-run newspapers they said was derogatory.

The "All Myanmar Islam Association" issued a statement carried in state newspapers Saturday asking Muslims to keep calm and condemning the "terrorizing and destruction of lives and property of innocent people."

This past week the government announced it was establishing a special committee to investigate the bus incident and another unrelated case of violence in Rakhine that occurred the same day. The establishment of such a committee also breaks with past precedent.

The problems in Rakhine state have long been overshadowed by the conflicts between the government and large ethnic minorities in other border areas who have been seeking greater autonomy. While Thein Sein's government has concluded cease-fires with several ethnic guerrilla groups, it still face a bitter insurgency in the north by the Kachin ethnic minority.

A young woman from Rakhine state is brutally murdered after rape and torture by three Muslim settelers.

On May 28, the three muslims men attacked, raped, tortured and murdered a youn lady named Ma Theeda Htwe from Thapraychaung Village in Rambree Township, Rakhine  State. She was on her way back from work passing the rice fields in the evening while the three premeditated men were awaiting for her return.

 According to the eye-witnesses, her dead body bears a slice at the throat, several stabs on the chest, and stabs and cuts on the vagina and pubic region.

Bengali Rohingyas prowl around outside Rakhine city

Bengali Rohingyas prowl around outside Rakhine city
Reported by EMG Reporter Translated and Edited by EMG   
Security forces fired warning shots to about 400 Bengali Rohingyas who were attempting to penetrate into Sittway, the city of Rakhine State, at 4:40 pm on 9 July.
As their approaching target was so close to the apartments of academic personnel of Sittway University, these employees were relocated to more secure places in the town.
People from villages nearby Maungdaw Township are accommodated at the rescue camps as their houses were set fire by Rohingyas.
The total number of Rakhine people in one of the rescue camps in Maungdaw Twonship was 400 persons in 9 June afternoon.
With regard to the affairs in Rakhine State, the Rakhine National Network made an announcement on 9 June. Their statement includes to publicize the death toll and to search immediately for the loss of Rakhine people, to provide food items, water, medicines and other household items, to protect the lives of Rakhine people and to take legal action against the terrorist Rohingyas.
Although some Rohingya mobs gave up their plan to intrude Sittway Township and returned homes at 6 pm, some of them burned down Rakhinese houses in Mingan Ward of the town.
Myanmar navy boats have been patrolling along the country’s maritime territory starting from the morning, according to the report of State media.
In Yangon, about 300 Rakhine people circled around the Shwedagon Pagoda clockwise on the platform of the pagoda by carrying placards written ‘Save Arakan’ and ‘Protect all nationalities’. After worshiping the pagoda, they shared merits to the dead in riots by keeping silent for five minutes.

Dozens killed, hundreds of buildings burnt down by Bengali Rohingya mobs in border town of Maungdaw

Dozens killed, hundreds of buildings burnt down by Bengali Rohingya mobs in border town of Maungdaw
Reported by Eleven Media Group   
A scene being set fire at Tha Zin Guest House near Maungtaw City Hall at about 2 pm on 8 June.

A scene being set fire near the junction of Clock Tower of Maungtaw City Hall at about 2 pm on 8 June.
Yangon, Sat June 9, 2012
(Eleven Media Group)- Dozens of Rakhine people were killed amidst the Rohingya terrorist attacks in border town of Maungdaw in Rakhine State, the western part of Myanmar on Friday.
Due to the violence, hundreds of houses and buildings were burnt down by mobs, said the reporter Ko Win Maung of the Eleven Media at the scene.
The death toll in the incident has reached 20 to 30 until the night of 8 June and the injured persons nearby villages of Maundaw Township have been taken to Maungdaw hospital.
The onset of the violence on 8 June was that the Rohingya Muslims who returned from the mosque yesterday afternoon started throwing the stones to the Rakhine houses and buildings in Maungdaw Township, according to the Eleven Media reporter whose house was also blazed amidst the violence.
As the riots could not be controlled, the police forces took security measures in the town where Muslims are majority and Rakhine people are minority. Rohingya mobs were setting fire on the nearby villages of Rakhine ethnics, said a Buddhist monk who resides in Maungdaw Township.
Due to these unrests, the State-owned media aired the announcement of Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Curfew) which states people are not to go outside between 18:00 pm and 06:00 am in Maungdaw and Buthedaung townships.
In contrary to the reporting of foreign media, the army did not fire at the mobs, but just warning shots to the riot to help the security measures of police forces, according to the EMG reporter in Maundaw Township where the clashes are happening.
Highly prominent journalist Dr. Than Htut Aung, Chairman and CEO of the Eleven Media Group said, “Up to now, the handling of army in this violence is smooth and flexible.  It was reportedly known that the military fired only the warning shots. Although the case seemed to be the problem between the Muslims and the Buddhists, there may be some incitements behind the incident.”
As the Rohingya mobs are approaching to enter the town and nearby villages, the security forces are taking places there and conducting warning fires to them.
“The situations in Maungdaw Township are very serious. The problem should be solved by legal procedures. We do not accept anarchic actions. Security forces concerned should settle the problem systematically. We must control the situation not to spread. If the problem becomes bigger, it is possible to result in series of cases. I warned the possibility of problems in Maungdaw after the case of Sittway. These attacks would seriously threaten to Arakanese people not only in Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships, but also in some areas with minority of them. The government has responsibilities to calm down the worries of these people. In the future, the security of border area in Rakhine State should be taken by Rakhine people, and that of Shan State by Shan people. Paramilitary forces should be organized to safeguard the security of respective areas. The government should allow more security plans. We will also submit these plans to the parliament. If this incident is similar to massacre of 1942 which was intentionally plotted, the persons behind the curtain are responsible for the consequences. Security persons, international figures and religious leaders should not neglect the case. They should cooperate in solving this problem,” said Chairman Dr. Aye Maung of the Rakhine Ethnics Development Party.

2011 - Attacks in Bangladesh Rakhine community by Rohingya Bengali terrorists

Images of Attacks and Threats in Sittwe, Rakhine State