Saturday, June 9, 2012

Eleven Media Group’s public statement about riots in Rakhine State

Eleven Media Group’s public statement about riots in Rakhine State
Reported by Translated and Edited by EMG   
(1)    The Eleven Media Group has heartfelt sympathy for the dead and the injured persons during the violence in Rakhine State.
(2)    The Eleven Media Group would strongly advise the persons concerned, the authorities and the public against allowing religious conflicts, racial hatred and riots through the violence broken out in Rakhine State. It is also reminded that such problems would lead to instability and drawbacks of democratic changes.
(3)    The Eleven Media Group will continue presenting the most reliable news for the benefits of the State and the public. Foreign media such as the BBC and the AFP should mention exactly that Bengali Rohingyas are not involved in Myanmar national ethnics. The reporting on Myanmar ethnic affairs should be accurate to avoid racial violence.
(4)    This is an appropriate time for the Government and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to clarify the issue of Bengali Rohingyas, the root of violence in Rakhine State, to the world. Bengali Rohingyas are not involved in 135 Myanmar national races. If they want to settle in Myanmar, then they must observe the existing laws of the country. It is also suggested that effective legal actions must brought against hundreds of law breakers.

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