Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bangladesh migrated to Myanmar (Burma) illegally by just crossing the porous border by all methods because of population explosion in Former East Pakistan, now Bangladesh.

They have never been an original ethnic group of Myanmar (Burma) according to our history as well as international history. They are from Bangladesh and should be named as Bangladeshi Bengali but definitely not the Rohingya. They have created the term "Rohingya' which has a meaning "the natives Arakan" in Bengali language Chittagaung dialect (Rohan = Arakan and "Gya" or "Ja" means "Native").

That's why the real Arakanese (Rakhaings) and Burmese cannot accept that term. As we mentioned earlier, there has never been such an ethnic group in Burmese and also in Indo-Pakistani history.

The other fact is that those Bengali people (So called Rohingya) have the connection with the Terrorists such as Taliban, Religious Extremists and Islamist Militants which was revealed by Wikileaks. Besides, those so called Rohingyas are also involving in human trafficking.

(See details in Rangoon1310.html ).

Some people may argue that these Chittagonian Bengalis can have a similar destiny to the Muslims in UK. After living for generations these Pakistani, Arabs and Indians had become British Citizens. Yes, however, these immigrants in Britain are not demanding their National Territory. Nor they are demanding a separate Ethnic Identity, like Scottish, Irish and Wales. They are not calling for a national area for themselves even in the North Sea. They call themselves British. Similar to that case, those Bengali can have the identity of Chittagonian Burmese or Bengali-Burmese or Burmese Citizens of Bengali origin or more specifically, Burmese Citizens of Chittagonian-Bengali origin.

For the citizenship issue, Burma would give careful consideration on those people if one can produce all essentials documents to prove that they are entitled to have the Burmese citizenship in accord with Burma immigration laws. We would like to highlight here that so-called Rohingya issue is not the human rights issue of Burma but all about illegal immigration issue. Burmese people won't be happy if thousands of illegal Bengali immigrants stealing Burmese identity by claiming themselves Burmese by creating fake ethnic group with their lies history.

We are not against Burmese Muslim people and their religion in Burma. We just can't accept those Bengali people from Bangladesh trying to occupy the Arakan State ( Rakhaing State ) as well as creating the name "Rohingya" (Please see above explanation of meaning) and demanding worldwide to accept them as one of the genuine ethnic group from Burma who faced severe suppressions by the Burmese military regime. Not only they, but also almost all people in Burma, including Buddhist monks have been facing severe suppressions.

Also we would like to point out here that those Bengali people claiming Asylum in third countries are most likely from the Bangladeshi side of the border not from the Arakan State of Burma since some 'Rohingya gangs' in Bangladesh are involving in human trafficking. This is the most dangerous threat to the World security.

We would like to call for international community to stop labelling Rohingya part of Burma's ethnics group. We would like to highlight here that Rohingya issue is not about human rights issue of Burma but about illegal immigration issue. We would like to call for world leaders, international media and all truth loving people to give careful consideration on our raising issues.

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